Thank you for reserving space in our upcoming BMOA guide! Please submit the following form for inclusion.

  • Contact Information

    We will use this information to contact you if we have any questions about the information you supply below.
  • Information to Be Published

    This information will appear in print. It may be edited for length, style, and clarity. You will receive an art proof prior to print.
  • Tell us a little bit about your hotel and what you offer to visitors.
  • What unique attractions or experiences do you promote in the Twin Cities that differentiate you from other destinations?
  • Indicate such things as upcoming events, renovations, activities, and more for visitors.
  • Photos MUST be high-resolution (at least 300 DPI). Photos submitted for publication should be colorful and represent your copy. Photos that include people are recommended. Photo collages and logos are not accepted.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 256 MB.