From the Experts Submission Form

  • You have been selected by a Midwest Design sales rep to participate in the “From the Experts” advertorial section. Please only fill out this form if you have been sent to this link by a Midwest Design staff member.

  • Contact Information

  • Profile Information

  • Please list the name and title of the individual responding to the prompt below
  • Write a 150-word Q&A of your choice that responds to a question pertaining to your industry. It is in your best interest to submit a response close to the maximum word count to fill your space in the section. Content will be edited for space and clarity.
  • Provide a quick, one-sentence tip related to your field that is relevant to homeowners
  • Please submit a high-resolution (300 dpi) headshot of the person who is responding to the prompt
    Max. file size: 256 MB.
  • If needed
  • To submit your entry, click the "Submit" button below. If you want to save your entry as a draft and return to it later, click the "Save a Draft" button to receive a unique link to return to your form. If you have entered an email address above, a copy of the link will also be sent to your email. You can use this link to return to your saved draft for up to 30 days. Once you submit your form, you will no longer be able to make changes.